A wall is required for these solo drills, which can be done during warm-up, or away from training. Each player requires a ball and 5m width.
Step 1
This drill contains 3 phases:-
1. Close-to-wall (stationary/jumping) finger flicks that sharpen reflexes
2. Away-from-wall (stationary/jumping) passes that focus on passing technique
3. Away-from-wall moving passes that focus on passing technique when moving
Step 2
Phase 1: Close-to-wall finger flicks: Stand one arm-length from the wall.
Using left hand, start with ball below waist (7'o'clock position) and dribble the ball up the wall with gradual progress until it's overhead - this should take around 10 seconds. Hand starts under the ball to control it, then outside and finally above.
When the ball is above the players head, switch to 2 handed flicks - perform 5 of these.
Work back down the wall with right hand to 5'o'clock position.
Step 3
Phase 1 (cont'd): Repeat anti-clockwise to complete the circuit. Now repeat both ways (clockwise + anti-clockwise), however this time, when the ball reaches the top of its arc:-
Perform 5 jumping, preferred hand flicks, 5 jumping, double-handed flicks, 5 jumping, non-preferred hand flicks
The ball is released mid-air, caught on the ground.
Step 4
Phase 2: Away-from-wall (stationary/jumping) passes: Move 2-4m from the wall depending on age/talent. First round of passing will be with feet planted. Perform:-
5 chest passes, 5 left handed pushes, 5 right handed pushes
5 step-forward passes, 5 step-back passes
5 shoulder passes, 5 overhead passes, 5 reverse shoulder passes
Step 5
Phase 2 (cont'd): Repeat the pass variation sequence above, however this time jump and release passes mid-air (all except step-back passes)
Launch forward for chest passes
Step 6
Phase 3: Moving passes: Players use alternate hands to throw against the wall so they need to lunge (left & right) to catch it
Right-handed passes when moving to the left, and vice versa.
Perform 10 laps (1 left, 1 right) using chest passes
Perform 20 laps using shoulder passes